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COVID RULES explained

Gavin & Karen

Confused about all the COVID rules and regulations? You're not alone! Which is why we've compiled this really quick guide on how the *COVID rules apply to our Gin School and Cellar Door.

So, let's start with the Cellar Door because that's the most complicated.

We'll be reopening the Cellar Door in mid-October (after NSW hits its 70% double jab target). From mid-October until NSW hits its 80% double jab target (expected around the end of October), the rules require you to:

  • provide proof of your vaccination status (double jab requirement) to attend the Cellar Door

  • wear a mask while indoors (eg coming to the bar). You can take your mask off outdoors.

  • be seated if you sit indoors to have your drink (you're allowed to stand and drink when you're outside)

  • observe the density requirements for our venue (don't worry, we'll have signs up that will explain everything)

We'd also ask you to be kind and patient with us and other patrons as we all get used to these new rules!

As for us, we will all be fully vaccinated and the rules also require us to wear a mask at all times - including outdoors! So please bear with us as we run drinks on a scorching hot summer's day. And if we pass out while we drop off your drink, maybe let someone behind the bar know :-)

Then, from the date NSW hits the 80% double jab target until 1 December 2021, the rules change slightly.

In that period, the rules still require you to:

  • provide proof of your vaccination status (double jab requirement) to attend the Cellar Door

  • wear a mask while indoors (eg coming to the bar). You can take your mask off outdoors.

  • observe the density requirements for our venue (again, we'll have signs up that will explain everything)

The one new thing you will be able to do in this period is stand to have your drink if you're indoors.

From 1 December, things change again. From this date anyone can attend the cellar door, irrespective of their vaccination status, and masks will no longer be mandatory indoors (except for us).

So, in a nutshell, you must be vaccinated to attend the Cellar Door from when we reopen to 30 November 2021. You also need to wear a mask indoors. From 1 December 2021, you will not need to be vaccinated to visit the Cellar Door and you also won't be required to wear a mask (although if you choose to do so that's totally fine too).

Now for Gin School!

From 1 December 2021 the NSW Government has said that everyone, irrespective of their vaccination status, can attend hospitality venues. With that in mind, we'll be restarting our Gin School classes in December 2021. So, what does that mean in practice?

  • classes will be open to anyone, irrespective of their vaccination status

  • however, we will still only be running classes for single groups (ie you choose the friends you want to make gin with)

  • we are all fully vaccinated and will be required to wear masks throughout the class

  • you won't be required to wear a mask, although if you choose to do so that's entirely fine

  • the maximum number of people per class will be 12, which means you'll all have your regulated two square metres per person

  • the minimum number of people for a class is six. That's nothing to with COVID, that's just our rule :-)

* these rules are based on our best understanding of the NSW Government's 70% and 80% COVID recovery roadmaps. Obviously things may change so keep checking in to see what's required as we get closer to reopening and key roadmap milestones.



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